April 29, 2017

"Using VR to its highest potential"

In case you ever had a doubt, having Conan O'Brien "promote" your game on a Clueless Gamer segment is very much a double-edged sword:

Holy sales pitch, Batman! I don't know that anyone's ever been so visibly and publicly disappointed with VR.

Polygon did a pretty good write up:
Conan O’Brien took a trip into virtual reality on this week’s new Clueless Gamer segment for the first time, and he’s never been so disappointed.
“My theory, and I’ve said this before, is that all VR is going to take us one place: virtual reality sex,” O’Brien said, just prior to learning that the game he’d be playing is pretty much the opposite of sexy.
[...] O’Brien’s snark feels especially pointed this time around. Disappointed by the lack of totally immersive, sexy action, the late night host struggles to find pleasure from Wilson’s Heart darker, slower paced adventures. It’s pretty adorable to see him get excited about figuring out the Oculus Touch controllers well enough to pick something up in-game without immediately dropping it, at least.
Have I mentioned yet, that VR is a long, long way from becoming a thing? Because, OMG, does this technology ever have a long way to go before it starts looking like something the average consumer will want to start dropping hundreds of dollars on.