April 27, 2017

I almost can't wait for Monday

We're nearing the end of April, which means that Monday will bring NetMarketShare's end-of-April snapshot of the PC OS marketplace. Normally, I'm not a big fan of Mondays, but this week, Monday can't come soon enough, because I'm really curious to see if there's any actual data that backs up this assertion by CSO:
Windows 10 Adoption is Quickly Accelerating, but Plagued with Concerns, Reports New Ivanti State of Windows 10 Adoption Survey
The vast majority of IT organisations (91%) have installed Windows 10, but there is still great variation in the current level of Windows 10 adoption. Although a third of IT organisations (34%) have Windows 10 in production to some extent, only 10% are in full production while the majority (56%) are in the early stages, using Windows 10 in IT trial or other limited environments. These are among the findings of the 2017 State of Windows 10 Adoption Survey conducted by Dimensional Research for Ivanti, a leader in integrating and automating critical IT tasks such as Windows desktop migrations.
"Vast majority?" Really? Well,then I guess the new OS Market Share numbers should show a huge upswing in Windows 10's adoption rate, shouldn't it?

For what it's worth, Dimensional Research for Ivanti isn't the only IT pollster that's suddenly bullish on Windows 10's near-term adoption prospects, with Gartner claiming that most businesses will move to Windows 10 by the end of this year... although even Gartner found that "Windows 10 is not perceived as an immediate business-critical project; it is not surprising that one in four respondents expect issues with budgeting." Again, though, if "46% had already begun the move (or completed migration) as of the end of last year," then logically, at least some of that should already be showing up in the market share data. Shouldn't it?

Of course, analysts like Gartner aren't without their critics...

Suddenly, I can't wait for Monday; I really want to see if the PC market has suddenly decided to migrate to Windows 10 en masse.