April 10, 2017

Turn off all the advertising in Windows 10

From Mark Wilson at betanews:
Pretty much since the launch of Windows 10 there have been complaints about ads and usage tracking in various forms. You might think that Microsoft would listen to complaints and consider removing ads from its operating system, but in fact more and more have been added.
We've looked at the various ads (or app suggestions, app tips and so on to use Microsoft's phraseology) that have cropped up over the last couple of years, but the release of Windows 10 Creators Update seems like a good time to revisit the topic. So here, once and for all, is how to kill all the ads (or whatever you want to call them) in Windows 10.
For such a short article, the list it gives of places where Microsoft have shoe-horned in some unwanted advertising is actually somewhat impressive:
  • Ads in File Explorer;
  • Ads in the Start menu;
  • Ads on the Lock screen;
  • Ads in the Share dialog;
  • And elsewhere in Windows 10 (yes, there are more). 
Click through to betanews for all the detailed instructions about where to find all the relevant settings and how to set them to turn all the advertising off.
Wilson ends his article with a plaintive, "Have we missed any?"

Yes, Mark, you probably have.