June 10, 2016

Windows 10 users can now beg Android developers for apps

From Neowin:
Insiders have been able to sync Android notifications with their PCs since build 14356 was released, but today, a Reddit user discovered that when a notification syncs, you can now request the app for Windows 10.
Obviously, the idea is to promote the Windows Store to the Android developer. Perhaps if the developer knows that users of their app are also using Windows 10, they may develop for the platform.
The button will bring you over to WinStore Requests page, where you'll be able to plead your case.
Alrighty then...

Satya? Sorry, Mr. Nadella? Can we talk? Just for a sec?

I know that I've been really, really critical of pretty much everything that you've done recently, but this? This is just pathetic.

Yes, your problem is that nobody's using Windows Phone, and yes, that's partly because there are no apps, but it's not like there are tons of users but no apps for them. There are no Windows Phones users at all. That's what less than 1% market share means.

Which I guess is why you're hoping that people will take time out of working on their PCs to do extra work on your behalf, begging Android app developers to take seriously a mobile platform that neither users nor developers actually care about. At all. Dude, nobody cares about Windows 10 Phone, except for you. 

Asking PC users to beg for apps on behalf of your mobile platform does not make Windows 10 Phone look more viable as a platform; if anything, it underscores the futility of your efforts in the mobile market. Stuff like this does not make you look more attractive; it just makes you look more desperate, and desperation is the opposite of attractive.

Well... unless you're trying to attract the scavengers that'll pick over your bones, I guess.

Seriously, just give it up, already, and add the capacity for Windows 10 to run Android apps. You've already got VM functionality built into the O/S; figure out a way to run Android in Hyper-V, or something. Or, at the very least, explain why you really cancelled Project Astoria, the app bridge which would have let Android apps run on Windows 10 Phones, thus solving this very problem.

Hell, do anything other than what you're currently doing. Anything else would be better. At the very least, it would be more dignified.
