Showing posts with label CD Projekt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CD Projekt. Show all posts

December 18, 2018

Epic Games' big gamble

Having mentioned Epic Games' storefront in passing in my last post, I suppose it would behoove me to elaborate a bit on my thoughts on the issue. Because I'm firmly of the opinion that Epic Games will not become any more a competitor to Steam than any of the other already-existing online storefronts: Origin, Uplay, GOG,, etc., for several reasons.

September 14, 2018

The opposite of hype is not necessarily truth

This probably sounds really weird coming from someone like me, who loudly proclaims his opposition to the cynical workings of the average corporate PR hype machine, but there's a time and a place to stop pissing on companies that are doing nothing wrong.

It seems to be fashionable lately to hate on Valve, who run the wildly successful Steam platform, and I really don't understand some of the pure manure that's passing as for journalism these days where Steam is concerned. Case in point, this piece from Kotaku about the release of Negligee: Love Stories:
Slowly but surely, Valve seems to be letting uncensored adult games onto Steam at last, starting with Negligee, which came out today. The catch is that it’s only available in some regions, and it remains banned in a globe-spanning majority of others. In a thread on Steam, developer Dharker responded to prospective players’ confusion by explaining where and why Negligee remains unavailable.
Because open marketplaces are apparently a bad thing now. Because reasons.