October 08, 2016

OK, this is more what I was expecting

Just when I was wondering if people might be starting to bring their VR expectations back in line with reality...

From Kotaku:
STAT | $11.2 billion - The amount people will spend on all VR in 2020, according to a forecast by IHS Markit.
STAT | $30 billion - The amount people will spend on all VR in 2020, according to a forecast by Superdata.
STAT | $50 billion - The amount people will spend on VR hardware alone in 2021, according to a forecast by Juniper Research.
QUOTE | “The number one problem facing the VR industry right now is the lack of high quality, highly replayable VR content.” - First Contact Entertainment president Hess Barber lays out the biggest problem his VR studio will focus on solving.
I especially love the way the escalating VR hype "stats" are immediately followed by the cold-water-in-the-face, you-don't-have-anything-to-sell-yet quote. Whose ass were those numbers pulled from, anyway? How can valid methodology forecast both $11B and $30B for the same metric?

Kudos to Hess Barber, for the way, for being the 2nd person I've seen quoted actually recognizing the single biggest problem that VR faces. Of course, the article in which he delivers this bit of wisdom is the same article in which it's announced that his new VR studio just landed $5M in investments, but whatever. Baby steps. At least we know where some of Blizzard's decamping veterans went to.