September 20, 2016

Apple releases MacOS Sierra with Siri as free download

Apple has released their last several builds of OS X as free upgrades, so this isn't entirely new under the sun, but after a year of watching Microsoft mess up their free giveaway of Windows-10-with-Cortana, it could be interestting to see how their competition does this.

From I4U News, via Slashdot:
Apple has released its newest Mac operating system, MacOS Sierra today. The most prominent feature is the Siri integration, but it also features a universal clipboard, optimized iCloud storage, a picture-in-picture video play, Apple Watch unlock, and a Apple Pay, according to Recode.
MacOS is a free update within the Mac App Store.
In order to download the update, your Mac has to be compatible. According to Apple, "all Macs introduced in 2010 or later are compatible. MacBook and iMac computers introduced in late 2009 are also compatible."
MacOS has a far smaller user base than Windows, obviously, and Macs are far less diverse in terms of their components, so rolling out a new version of MacOS shouldn't be quite as huge an undertaking as rolling out Windows 10, but even so, I'll be keeping an eye on this one.

GWX was a mess, resulting in multiple lawsuits, action from at least one government's regulators, load of negative PR, and a loss of trust and goodwill between Microsoft and their customers that it will take Redmond years to repair. Now let's see if Apple can show Microsoft how a free OS upgrade should be handled.