May 28, 2016

Get Windows 7's Start menu in Windows 10

So, you've switched to Windows 10. You didn't want to, and you didn't ask to, in fact you were pretty sure you'd said no, but Microsoft's malware approach to updates, and a new love of deceptive, anti-consumer practices, have found you staring a narrow row of tiles and and a double row of ads where your Start menu used to be, cursing the name of Satya Nadella.

Having vented your frustration.... what do you next?

We now live in a world where a burgeoning market exists for third-party software that rolls back Microsoft's horrible decisions. Want to stop your OS from spying on you? There are apps for that. Want to avoid having your OS "upgraded" against your will in the first place? There are apps for that, too.

(BTW, if you haven't "upgraded" and don't want to, you should be clicking some of those links, right about now.)

Or maybe you just want a "classic" Start menu. This sort of thing used to be an option in Windows, but not in Windows 10 -- no, you'll get tiles and like it. (And ads... you don't still believe that Windows 10 is free, do you?) Well, fear not, Windows user... there's an app for that, too.

From PC World:
Not everyone likes the new Windows 10 Start menu. The good news is you can replace it with something more traditional.
You can get a very close facsimile of earlier Windows Start menus with Classic Shell. The program is free, but the website encourages donations—a nice gesture if you appreciate the product.
So, there you have it: options. Seriously, though... it's a lot simpler to install Never10, before the unwanted "upgrade" happens to you.