Showing posts with label TADE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TADE. Show all posts

August 13, 2017

How can we miss you, if you won't go away?

[Update to this blog entry.]

So, those early comments by TADE (and no, I'm still not going to feed his ego by naming him on this blog) that he was examining all his legal options? You can ignore them. He is, 100% for certain, not suing Google or anybody else.

The first thing that any competent lawyer will tell you, once they agree to represent you on any matter, is to stop talking; your lawyers do all the necessary talking for you. This is partly because they get to bill you hundreds of dollars for every hour in which they do any work at all on your case, including media appearances, but it's also because judges, one of whom will preside over your lawsuit, tend to take a dim view of attempts by a complainant to try their case in the court of public opinion, rather than trying their case in, you know, an actual courtroom.

The fact that TADE still talking publicly (to the Wall Street Journal, on Reddit, and presumably to anyone else who'll listen, while he's still infamous enough make for an effective clickbait headline) is all the evidence you need that he has not yet secured legal representation. Which means either (a) that his talk of doing so was just talk, because he lacks the necessary resources to retain a lawyer, or (b) he tried to hire a lawyer, only to be turned away because his case is not winnable.

So, what's TADE trying to accomplish, with his "charm" offensive? I have no idea. I can't imagine he's making himself look any more attractive to future potential employers, though, almost all of whom would also have fired him for the level of insubordination that he displayed towards his last employer, and none of whom will be wanting to take someone onboard who's simultaneously unwilling to adhere to company policies, and highly likely to try to burn the place down behind him, when he leaves.

Oh, and Julian Assange's noises about offering him a job at Wikileaks? You can ignore that, too.