Showing posts with label Quibi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Quibi. Show all posts

April 12, 2021

VR has failed to thrive in the pandemic

This isn't how it was supposed to play out. 

As the COVID-19 pandemic's first wave gathered speed, and fortunate souls like me switched from meatspace commuting to tele-commuting, I started seeing more and more takes like this one, from CNBC:

Virtual reality is booming in the workplace amid the pandemic. Here’s why.

After years of promises and false starts, Covid-19 has driven a record number of workers remotely and could finally usher in their regular use of VR and AR at home — or at least give the tech a push on the path to mainstream.

A PwC report last year predicted that nearly 23.5 million jobs worldwide would be using AR and VR by 2030 for training, work meetings or to provide better customer service. According to a report by ABI Research this year, before the pandemic the VR market was forecasted to grow at a 45.7% compound annual rate, surpassing $24.5 billion in revenue by 2024. Virtual reality used within businesses is forecasted to grow from $829 million in 2018 to $4.26 billion in 2023, according to ARtillery Intelligence.

The alert among you will have already spotted the repeating pattern here: a click-bait headline that talks about a VR boom as if it's happening, then immediately follows with a sentence that only says that it could happen; and "analysts" with skin in the VR game, bullishly predicting that VR will grow into a multi-billion dollar business in the next five years, in a report published a year earlier, before the pandemic had even started. In short, a lot of speculation with no substance, breathlessly presented as if CNBC were reporting on something that was already happening.

We've been seeing this same pattern play out for years, in no small part because analysts like PwC have been making these same predictions for about five years now, without the predicted VR boom ever happening, but COVID-19 changed a lot of things. Did it change this one? Was this actually VR's hour, come round at last?