Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts

October 11, 2016

The race to Mars heats up

From Thomson Reuters, via CBC News:
Obama vows to send people to Mars by the 2030s
U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday vowed to help send people to Mars within the next 15 years, pledging to work with private companies "to build new habitats that can sustain and transport astronauts on long-duration missions in deep space."
"We have set a clear goal vital to the next chapter of America's story in space: sending humans to Mars by the 2030s and returning them safely to Earth, with the ultimate ambition to one day remain there for an extended time," Obama said in an opinion piece for CNN posted to its website.
Obama said some of the U.S.'s leading scientists and engineers will meet in Pittsburgh this week to discuss the plan.
He set a goal in 2010 to send humans to Mars by the 2030s. He said the next step is to "reach beyond the bounds of Earth's orbit."
In one sense, Obama wanting to go to Mars isn't news (he originally announced this goal in 2010, after all), but it's rather fallen off the radar since then, with most of the political oxygen, especially in the U.S., being consumed by the economy, immigration, counter-terrorism, and gun control. But with SpaceX declaring their intention to put humans on Mars, and Boeing announcing their intention to get there first, the idea of putting humans on Mars was back in the news, and with the U.S. government officially on board, too, the race officially becomes a thing... one that's likely to grow, as the likes of China, India, Russia, Japan, and the EU all get into the act. 

That all assumes that Donald Trump doesn't win the election in November and kick off the End Times instead, of course, but that currently looks unlikely

We live in exciting times, my friends. Yes, there are lots of challenges, and our way of life will almost certainly change dramatically in the coming years as we grapple with Earth's changing climate, instability in the Middle East, and the large-scale population migrations which will result and are already resulting from those causes, but in meeting these challenges, we can find opportunities to do some amazing things. 

In Space!

Some things really are worth getting hyped for.