Showing posts with label Kickstarter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kickstarter. Show all posts

September 13, 2016

Valve take off the VR goggles long enough to solve one of Steam's other, much more pressing, issues

Valve just changed the way Steam user reviews work - and it's certainly set the cat among the pigeons.
In May, Valve updated Steam so that it highlighted recent reviews on games. The thinking behind this change was sound: it wanted to better show the current state of a game, many of which evolve quickly as developers issue updates.
Now, though, Valve is changing the default review score that shows up at the top of each product page - the one developers and potential customers put so much stock in - so that it does not include reviews written by those who obtained the product through a Steam key.
What this means is that reviews penned by those who got a game after backing it on Kickstarter, for example, or via a developer's website, do not affect the Steam user review score.
Again, the thinking behind this change is sound. Valve knows that some developers were gaming the system - that is, they were giving keys to friends or shadey paid services in exchange for positive reviews.
The upshot is that while Steam keys will remain free for developers to give out or sell through other online or retail stores, Valve has deemed it too easy for these keys to end up being used in ways that artificially inflate review scores.
You'd think that news of Valve actually fixing something that's wrong with Steam would be welcome, but reaction so far is decidedly mixed.