Showing posts with label Devolver Digital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devolver Digital. Show all posts

June 10, 2019

Devolver Digital was actually the best thing about E3 2019

Once again, Devolver Digital has scored a big win (with me, at least) with their third-in-a-row, batshit-insane, totally satirical takedown of all things E3, disguised as an E3 presser.

If you've never watched one of Devolver's "Big Fancy Press Conferences" before, I highly recommend that you watch all of them, immediately.




Devolver Digital wins E3... again. A+

June 12, 2018

Let's get this nonsense started: Devolver Digital's E3 2018 jiminythinger

Well, if I'm going to do this motherf*cking thing, then I may as well do it.

Devolver Digital's 2017 "press conference" was a thing of genius. A savage send-up of the entire E3 hype-fest, and a brutal critique of the worst of the videogame industry's anti-consumer practices, it also managed to announce a couple of the company's games along the way, and had me literally laughing out loud for most of its run time. As I sat down to watch their 2018 "presser," I wondered how they could possibly top that.

How else? They made a sequel. Literally.

Upping the ante on everything, including the profanity and gore, Devolver continued their savage satire of the entire E3 experience, with "Nina Struthers" returning to show all the world just how soul-less and mercenary the videogame industry could be.