Showing posts with label Damages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Damages. Show all posts

June 25, 2016

Microsoft successfully sued over GWX tactics

Well, this certainly flew under the radar.

From the Seattle Times:
A few days after Microsoft released Windows 10 to the public last year, Teri Goldstein’s computer started trying to download and install the new operating system.
The update, which she says she didn’t authorize, failed. Instead, the computer she uses to run her Sausalito, Calif., travel-agency business slowed to a crawl. It would crash, she says, and be unusable for days at a time.
“I had never heard of Windows 10,” Goldstein said. “Nobody ever asked me if I wanted to update.”
When outreach to Microsoft’s customer support didn’t fix the issue, Goldstein took the software giant to court, seeking compensation for lost wages and the cost of a new computer.
She won. Last month, Microsoft dropped an appeal and Goldstein collected a $10,000 judgment from the company.
Goldstein’s experience is an extreme example of the consequences of Microsoft’s aggressive campaign to get people to use Windows 10, the newest version of the ubiquitous personal-computer operating system.

Holy crap, Batman! Microsoft, naturally, denies all wrongdoing, and claims to have "halted its appeal to avoid the expense of further litigation," but more important is the fact that they were sued, and lost, and clearly weren't expecting to prevail on appeal because they paid damages rather than paying more legal fees. How many other lawsuits are they losing right now, or have already lost, that haven't made headlines?

Just yesterday, I was thinking that Microsoft might have weathered the storm, avoiding expensive legal actions and the headlines that go with them. Today, I'm thinking that the worst may still be in the mail for Redmond.