Showing posts with label Brexit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brexit. Show all posts

December 03, 2018

Rats and sinking ships, and "a marriage made in hell"

Today, in Facebook...

We'll start with this report from CNBC:
Some former Facebook employees say their phone is ringing a lot more in the last two months. On the other line: former Facebook colleagues asking about job openings or looking for a reference.
This type of behavior is normal at most companies. But according to a half dozen former employees, all of whom left in the last year or two, it's a major change in behavior at Facebook, which had long been known around Silicon Valley as the company that no one leaves.[...] The shift could be an early warning of recruiting and retention challenges for Facebook after a turbulent year. 
The stories from former employees are only anecdotal at this point, and there's no firm data showing a significant uptick in departures or employee dissatisfaction. On Glassdoor, a site where workers anonymously review their employers, Facebook is among the best-rated tech companies, with a satisfaction rating of 4.3 out of 5. However, that rating has fallen noticeably during the last year, with a particularly sharp drop in the last few months.
It looks like those earlier reports of morale problems at the scandal-plagued social media firm may have been on the money; we'll have to see if this story continues to grow, and if it receives corroboration from elsewhere. In the face of Facebook's obvious rampant amorality and occasional outright evil, though, I'm less inclined to be sympathetic to these would-be rats, apparently seeking to abandon their slowly sinking ship. They had no qualms at all about sticking around when it looked like they could do whatever the fuck they wanted to with impunity, after all. Considering how much damage they've had a hand in doing to the fabric of society and democracy worldwide, any tears that I'd be crying at the sight of their misfortunes would be of the crocodile variety.

Speaking of rats, though...