Showing posts with label #boycottABK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #boycottABK. Show all posts

June 09, 2022

Aaaaannnnnd now it's over

Diablo: Immortal, Blizzard's egregiously manipulative and exploitative pay-to-win-fest, launched only days ago, and the outraged reaction has been swift and and loud. Blizzard, though, has mostly kept quiet about the game's negative press and near-zero (or, for PC, actually zero) user score, doing nothing more than send out the game's director, Wyatt Cheng, so disseminate some extremely disingenuous double-speak. 

It was also as if they were just hunkering down, waiting for the storm of outrage to blow itself out, and for the posts by the game's whales to start bubbling up: tales of the best places to farm XP, of the best builds for each class, of how to beat a tough early boss, all with nary a mention of the cash shop in sight.

So, how well is that working, you ask?