Showing posts with label #VRisdeadandtheyknowit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #VRisdeadandtheyknowit. Show all posts

June 20, 2017

Xbox boss says that VR success is 5 to 10 years away.

Well, I guess this explains why Microsoft's XBO-X rollout didn't include any mention of VR.

From mspoweruser:
It’a no secret that Microsoft has been very bullish on VR for the past few years. Debuting its Hololens headset at Build 2015, building mixed reality into Windows and so on.
In an interview with Time magazine, the Xbox chief Phil Spencer stated that tech firms were about 5-10 years away from creating the kind of VR service that could produce the amount of fidelity and consistent experience that would be needed to see consumer success at scale.
“I love that we did HoloLens, not because I think everybody should go buy a $3,000 HoloLens. It wasn’t made for everybody, we’ve said that, it’s a developer kit. Now we’re doing kind of the other end with Windows Mixed Reality and $299 with OEM partners. But even then, with all these cables hanging off the back of your head, especially in a family room environment, that’s hard.”
You know that VR is a flop when even it's proponents start putting distance between their upcoming efforts and the VR label. "Mixed Reality?" Really, Mr. Spencer?

Still, whether you call it VR, AR, MR, or VRARMR, the fact that it's not ready for prime time, and not appealing to consumers at all, is pretty damn obvious by this point. Honestly, I think that 5 - 10 years is being overly optimistic. The current crop of VR hardware is not going to see mainstream acceptance, and its failure may tarnish the VR name thoroughly enough to make it hard to sell anything resembling VR until a new generation of consumers exist to pitch to. We could be looking at another 20 years' hiatus... decades in which deep-pocketed VRARMR developers will have to be willing to spend money on research and development, with no expectation of a return on that investment in the near-to-mid term.

Yes, I'm saying it... VR is dead, and the big VR makers know it.

This is becoming something of a theme for the week, innt?
