Showing posts with label #ThisIsHowItsDone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ThisIsHowItsDone. Show all posts

August 21, 2019

This is how it's done
Darq's developer shows the right way to handle Epic's brand toxicity

In my last post, I laid out a seven-point strategy for how to announce your Epic exclusivity deal. That post ran long (and, really, which of my posts don't?) but if there's a single big point that I wanted people in the video game industry, and in the media that cover the industry, to take away, it is this:

When dealing with a subject that you know to be sensitive, be sensitive to the people who are going to hear your message.

Learn to read the room. Comedy is hard; making jokes about subjects which you know other people not only take seriously, but are likely to get angry about, is a high-wire act best left to professionals. Don't open discussions with sarcasm when you want to elevate the overall level of the discourse. Just be straight with people, and be transparent with people, and those people will reward your straightforward honesty with respect.

And now, right on schedule, we have a case study in how to handle the touchy subject of Epic exclusivity the right way. We have Darq.