February 03, 2019

EA: The fun is about to end

It the process of writing my post about the Epic Games/Metro:Exodus mess, I came across this SeekingAlpha article on what the future holds for EA Games, and OMG is it ever a must-read.
EA needs to change its business model fundamentally. Its current model alienates players and makes EA more susceptible to competition. A significant source of profits, lootboxes, are being regulated away. Players are moving to mobile and free to play, where EA is weaker than its competitor Activision Blizzard. We believe that EA is currently heading towards another inflection point where players will start leaving en masse. EA could've already crossed the inflection point. Either way, things aren't looking good.
"Good short candidate" refers to the investment strategy of short-selling, essentially selling stock that you've only borrowed for just that purpose. It's basically a bet that the stock's value is about to drop; if it does, they you pocket the difference between what the stock was worth when you sold it, and what it was worth when you had to buy it back to "return" the shares that you'd "borrowed."

The quoted passage, BTW, is the conclusion from fifteen pages of analysis, all of which are worth reading if you're at all interested in the video game business. Seriously, go read the whole thing, because it's fascinating in a way that stock analysis normally isn't.

The various section titles in the article should give you some idea what to expect, though:

The "Star Wars" section features one of the most glorious EA Star Wars memes I've ever seen, too:

EA's Star Wars games in a nutshell.

Did I mention that this article was a great read? Seriously, go read the whole thing right now.