January 04, 2018

Munich's €100M migration back to Windows

Sometimes, I love The Reg:


From the article itself:
Those supporting the anti-Linux cause claim Windows 10 will solve perceived compatibility issues with applications and hardware drivers. They contend that quitting Linux will remove the need to also run a bank of Windows computers as some kind of backup.
Opponents, however, say it's crazy to pay twice for a costly migration that takes years to complete. Why not just fix the internal IT disorganisation?
What Munich does is defy reliable research. Large organisations successfully deploy free software in far larger numbers than Munich ever did. See here for a list maintained by The Document Foundation, the organisation behind LibreOffice.
"There are many examples. Munich was definitely not the only one," says Italo Vignoli, a founder of The Document Foundation.
Also consider Rome, which is installing the LibreOffice suite on all of its 14,000 PC workstations across the city. In 2018, Rome will run a pilot to test the use of workstations running Linux.
It would appear that Microsoft's lobbyists in Munich really earned their keep on this one.

The Reg's whole article is pretty good, and there's quite a bit more of it, so go give it a read.