November 07, 2017

4K's other problem...

Leaving aside, for the moment, that people mostly do not have or need 4K displays, and probably won't anytime soon since there isn't (and won't be) a 4K TV broadcast standard, it turns out that 4K has another significant problem, and this one may well be even more serious. In this age of Netflix binging and videogame downloading, it's looking like the sheer size of 4K content files may be its Achilles' heel.

From VentureBeat:
The Remedy Entertainment sci-fi adventure Quantum Break is 178.1 GB on the Xbox One X. If, like me, you have a 1TB data cap with your internet service provider, downloading that one game will consume more than one-sixth of your total for the month. With games at these sizes, consumers now have to consider both the cost of the game and the effect it will have on their limited internet service. That should worry Microsoft, Sony, Netflix, and any other company that trades in data-intensive entertainment.
Pretty Good Gaming posted a pretty good video on the subject, too:

Yes, data caps! Everybody has one, and 4K content will burn through your data cap so quickly that 4K may just not be worth the trouble, even if you have a 4K display. Which, statistically speaking, you probably don't... and won't.

Did I mention that 4K gaming really isn't a thing, yet? The new XBox One X is not going to change that, either; much like 3D TVs and monitors, and the VR technology which is withering on the vine as we watch, 4K is doomed to eventual irrelevancy. Seriously, save your bandwidth, and your money.