August 29, 2017

Speaking of Microsoft's anti-consumer bullshit...

We're nearing the end of yet another month, and I guess Windows 10's adoption rate has not improved since the end of July, because Microsoft are scare-mongering again.

From NeoWin:
For the past few months, Microsoft has been touting the security features available to customers using Windows 10, especially with the increase in ransomware attacks. It even vowed to raise the bar for security with the upcoming Fall Creators Update.
Now, the company has published yet another blog post persuading customers to upgrade to the latest version of Windows 10, citing increasing security threats.
Microsoft's blog post apparently includes a handy flowchart of Windows 10's "constantly evolving threat mitigation," just in case you'd missed the point from the text. Apparently, Fear ≈ Windows 10, in Microsoft-logic. The problem for Microsoft is that they've been doing this for months already, without any noticeable result. They're the corporation that cried "wolf." It's all so transparently self-serving that nobody's really listening anymore.

We'll know for sure in another few days, but I'm going on record and predicting yet another month of essentially flat OS market share trendlines, with Windows 10 gaining no more than 1%, all of which will come at the expense of Windows XP and 8/8.1, rather than Windows 7. Place your bets!