August 01, 2017

Did you ever spend $25.00 on video games in 1 hour at an arcade?

Thinking back, I don't think that I ever did. But that's what 1 hour of VR Gaming will cost you at VRKade, the hot! hot! hot! new VRcade that just opened up in Calgary, making it the 2nd of two VRcades in town, and also VRKade's 2nd location (their other one is in Lethbridge).

Not sold? Just wait until you see their game line-up:
Wow, Audioshield? Google Earth VR? Shut up and take my money! I mean, just look at all that Indie, Early Access, and Free to Play, baby! Woo hoo!

Seriously, though, they couldn't even pop for SuperhotVR? Really?

If you're wondering if VRcades (or VRKades) will become a thing.... no. No, they won't. Not at these prices, with this kind of stellar games lineup, and all needing to be freaking booked in advance.