July 25, 2017

Adobe's Flash is mostly dead, and its remaining days are numbered.

The terminal prognosis comes from Adobe themselves.

From ZDNet:
Adobe finally has drawn a line in the sand, noting that Flash will no longer be supported after 2020.
Microsoft officials said they'd do their part to wind down Flash support in the company's Internet and Edge browsers, so that Flash support will be entirely removed from Windows by the end of 2020, as well. [...] Google, Mozilla and Apple also are committing to dropping Flash support by 2020 in their respective browsers. 
Adobe Flash was once the way that video played on the internet, including sites like YouTube, but HTML5 has been displacing it for a while now - most of the sites that I visit on the regular don't use Flash for anything except ads, which I mostly block. Still, after so many years of ubiquity, I'll admit that it's a little strange to see Adobe themselves finally pulling the plug on Flash.

Fare thee well, Adobe Flash! I won't exactly miss you, but it's going to be a little strange not having you around anymore.