August 31, 2016

Reminder: Windows 10's update scheme is a broken mess

This one is actually from last week, but I missed it when it happened, so...

From Woody Leonhard at InfoWorld:
On Aug. 9, Microsoft released Security Bulletin MS16-098, the latest in a long line of fixes for Windows kernel-mode drivers.
The latest version of the kernel-mode driver fix came in four KB-identified security patches: KB 3177725, which fixed kernel-mode drivers in Vista, Win7, Win8.1, and WinRT; and a set of three security patches for Win10, which were rolled into the respective Aug. 9 cumulative updates, to wit, KB 3176492 (for the original Win10, "version 1507"), KB 3176493 (for version 1511, the Fall Update), and KB 3176495 (for 1607, the Anniversary Update).
It took a few days, but we ultimately discovered a problematic bug in all the patches. Microsoft changed its security bulletin to state:
After you apply this security update and you print multiple documents in succession, the first two documents may print successfully. However, the third and subsequent documents may not print.
It took three days for Microsoft to confirm the bug. Yesterday, Aug. 24 -- 15 days after releasing the buggy security patch -- Microsoft rolled out a fix to the bug and assigned a different KB number, KB 3187022: Print functionality is broken after any of the MS16-098 security updates are installed.
If you're running Windows 7, Win8.1, or WinRT, that patch should've appeared last night in your Windows Update queue.
But here's the rub. Microsoft didn't release the fix for Windows 10 in any version. Instead, Win10 users are stuck with the bug, and it isn't clear how long we'll have to wait for a new cumulative update. 
It's a classic example of the Achilles' heel in Windows 10 cumulative updates, which I first discussed in February 2015. Microsoft has had a couple of years to figure out how it's going to handle bad patches. So far, the results haven't been reassuring.
Even less reassuring: Microsoft is moving Windows 7 and 8 to this same broken updating scheme starting in October. Yay?

Seriously, Microsoft, fuck you.