December 06, 2018

How low is morale at Facebook?

According to NYMag's Intelligencer, it's pretty damn low:
Yeah.... When you're buying a burner phone just so you can vent to your fellow employees? That's a sign, people; that's when you start burnishing that resume, and planning your exit strategy. Just saying.

As to why folks at Facebook are "spouting full-anti-media rhetoric"... maybe it's because all the news about Facebook looks like this?

Only WIRED is still playing from Facebook's false equivalence playbook, drawing attention to other, lesser examples of bad behaviour from Silicon Valley companies as if they were in any way comparable to what Facebook has just been caught doing; I guess that Definers Media money was well-spent, after all. Even WIRED couldn't maintain the facade all the way to the end of their piece, though:
Is this the appropriate point to mention that Facebook is now shedding users, and not growing? Or that Facebook's ravenous hunger for unconstrained growth is what had ultimately landed them in so much hot water now? I'm sensing a connection, there... it's almost as if Facebook's focus on growth at all costs was the root of the problem.