November 15, 2018

Irony, thy name is Zuckerberg

Clearly, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg did not know that the NY Times' blockbuster report detailing his own company's anti-Semitic fake news campaign was in the works when he made this decision. As reported by c|net:
In a letter to the UK's Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, the company declined to say why Zuckerberg couldn't attend, but said it remains "happy to cooperate" with the inquiry. The letter also laid out some of the efforts Facebook has made over the last year in areas like fighting fake news and striving for transparency in political ads.
Damian Collins, chair of the committee, is leading the charge and noted that the social network's response is "hugely disappointing."
"The fact that he has continually declined to give evidence, not just to my committee, but now to an unprecedented international grand committee, makes him look like he's got something to hide," he said in an emailed statement."
It turns out Facebook actually did have something to hide: the fact that they're paying for exactly the brand of fake news that Zuckerberg claims to be fighting. How much longer he'll be able to keep dodging questions about his company's activities, while proclaiming his happiness to cooperate, remains to be seen, but I have a feeling it won't be too much longer.
