September 21, 2017

New blogs!

When I started this blog, I really wasn't intending for it to be as tech-focused as it's become. I was actually planning to start a blog about game design - or, more precisely, ARPG design, not from the perspective of a game designer, but from the perspective of an avid player of the genre. You know, my personal take on what works and what doesn't in the games that I've liked and disliked over the years, sprinkled with insights that I've gleaned from various sources around the 'net. I was planning to use Diablo III as a kind of case study, comparing and contrasting some of its elements with those of other ARPGs to figure out exactly why some of them work so well, while others.... don't, really.

But then GWX happened, and VR, and the Nintendo Switch, and the end of Moore's Law, and the slow-motion Singularity, and... Well, the short version of this long story is that my ARPG gaming blog has become something really, really different from that.

And that's fine; really, it's fine. Windows 10, the Nintendo Switch, the nascent VR industry, and other developments in the technology that drives so much of our lives is really fertile ground, and stuff about which I ended up having quite a few opinions. But I still do want to write about the gaming-focused stuff, which is a problem, because it no longer fits in here. I ran into a similar problem not too long ago, when I found myself needing an outlet for some of my thoughts on the politics of the day... which also don't fit here.

And so, I've decided to carve out some spaces where they do fit. Two new blogs: one which can be politics all day long, and another all about how (not) to design an ARPG. Yes, that's right, I'll now be spending my copious spare time posting to three different blogs that nobody will read, because nobody reads blogs anymore, Excelsior!

I may start by moving a couple of my older posts over to those two blogs, just so that there's something there other than:

My other blogs may go nowhere at all. Or, they may be just the outlet I needed for a lot of ideas that I've been keeping bottled up for a few years now. If nothing else, they'll give me more excuses to do some writing, without needing to worry if my writings "fit" with the theme of this (tech) blog. And, hey, if only one person finds and reads either of them, and finds any value at all in what I've written, then it'll be more than worth it.

So, if you've stumbled across this blog, and are wondering why I'm maybe not posting as often here as I used to... this is why. Maybe check our my other digital spaces, to see if I've posted anything there, instead.